Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Time's Almost Up!

Have You Filed Your Tax Protest or Tax Exemption?

May 31, 2008 is the deadline for filing your protest or exemption! We all need every little break we can get with all the other things going up in our country. Please visit the Bexar Appraisal District's website and make sure that you have all the exemptions filed that you are entitled to. Just go to: http://www.bcad.org/clientdb/?cid=1 and put in your name or your address and make sure everything is there under exemptions. I have discovered that many people either forget to do this or just don't know to apply for them.

If you need the right forms for getting your exemptions and your protest filed, just go to: http://www.bcad.org/forms.htm

Certain parts of San Antonio have increased in value over the last year where others have just stayed flat due to the competition between sellers. Be sure to know what your value is on your home. If you do not know the value of your home go here: http://ronmersinger.com/content/forms/cma.aspx I'm always glad to help and I do this as a public service for free! Did you see that? FREE!!! That's a great 4 letter word!

The San Antonio Real Estate market is still great to invest in! Just make sure you are well equipped to invest in the right home and area.

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